Mqm 107
Mqm 107

It had an increased payload volume and a more powerful engine (the Microturbo TRI 60-2) that increased the maximum speed. The A model was replaced in 1982 with the longer B model.


Beech won the competition in 1975, and the MQM-107A began full production that year. The MQM-107 was developed in 1972 by Beechcraft for the Army’s Variable Speed Training Target design competition. With its external payload and towing capabilities, it has the ability to simulate practically any air defense threat. It is capable of performing advanced maneuvers up to transonic speeds. Known as the Army’s workhorse, the most versatile subscale aerial target in the TMO repertoire is the MQM-107 Streaker. The TMO’s mission is to provide technically advanced targets with the best value and superior life-cycle operations and sustainment support for the Army, the other joint services, and foreign customers. Since then, PEO-STRI has grown exponentially and encompasses nearly a dozen project offices, including the Program Manager (PM) Instrumentation Targets and Threat Simulators’ Targets Management Office (TMO), which manages aerial and ground targets. The organization was created in 1974 and designed to develop new training technologies during the Cold War. military branches has its own organizations to manage and promote the use of targets, the organization responsible for the Army’s target systems is the Program Executive Office for Simulation, Training, and Instrumentation (PEO-STRI). Aerial targets now range from miniature to full scale and can be fixed or rotary wing with several reaching supersonic speeds. Over the years, the capabilities have increased dramatically. Aerial target systems, in particular, have provided the United States (U.S.) military with affordable devices to impersonate, test, and evaluate missile systems. Unmanned targets for air-, ground-, and sea-based systems are used extensively by modern military nations around the world to conduct research, development, and testing of a variety of technologies. The center section is the fuel tank and the rear area is the recovery system. The forward section of the fuselage houses the crushable nose cone, electronics compartment, payload section, and smoke oil tank. The airframe may be divided into seven major parts - the nose section, fuel tankage, aft section, wing, empennage, engine nacelle, and aerodynamic fairings. The simplicity and modularity of its construction demonstrates the success of this attention. The airframe was designed with constant attention to minimizing initial fabrication and refurbishment costs. The fuselage construction is aluminum with bonded honeycomb wing and tail surface, and plastic nose and tail cones. With fuel and booster, the vehicle weighs 1067 lbs. The MQM-107A is approximately 17 ft long, has a 10 ft wing span, and a fuselage diameter of 15 in. At the end of the mission, a parachute lowered it for a land or water recovery. The Streaker's flight route could be programmed prior to launch or changed during flight by a ground controller using a radio link. A small turbojet engine then took over for the remainder of the flight. The Streaker was ground-launched with the aid of solid fuel boosters that quickly accelerated it to approximately 250 mph. It could also drop chaff and flares to deceive interceptor crews. For instance, it could mimic the heat and radar returns of different missiles and aircraft. The Streaker could simulate the characteristics of different potential enemy targets. The MQM-107 was a remotely piloted vehicle (RPV) used for testing and to train U.S.

Mqm 107